
Welcome to the Exploration Contractors Site

XCE Site Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Department Phone Number
 Emergency/Fire/Ambulance  911
 Safety On-Call  520-259-6645
 Environmental Spill

Site Contacts

Department Name Email Phone Number
 H&S  Bill Schneider  bschneid@fmi.com  928-965-4821
 H&S  Derek Saari dsaari@fmi.com  520-954-6408
 H&S  Mark McNeeley mmcneele@fmi.com  520-345-8128
 Geology  Jen LaSure  jlasure@fmi.com  520-405-5012
 Exploration  Rob Williams  rwilliam5@fmi.com  520-289-9806
Morenci Exploration Site Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Department Number to Call
 Emergency/Fire/Ambulance  928-865-6600; 911 when outside gate 
 Morenci Safety On-Call  928-965-6605
 Security  928-865-7931
 Environmental Spill  928-865-7745
 Environmental Wildlife  928-865-6000

Site Contacts

Department Name Email Phone Number
 Geology  Alex Whitehead  awhitehe@fmi.com  520-308-9543

New Mexico Exploration Site Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Department Phone Number
Emergency/Fire/Ambulance  575-912-5911 or 911
Safety On-Call  
Environmental Spill  575-538-4906

Site Contacts

Department Name Email Phone Number
 Geology  Brady Derick bderick@fmi.com  520-667-5475
 Geology  Max Britt mbritt@fmi.com  520-667-6673
Safford Exploration Site Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Department Phone Number
Emergency/Fire/Ambulance  928-792-5800
Safety On-Call
Environmental Spill

Site Contacts

Department Name Email Phone Number
 Geology  Ismaila Ibrahim iibrahim1@fmi.com  520-965-1198
 Geology  Edmundo Robles eroblesl@fmi.com  520-663-8638
Site Specific Info & Training

Site Information

Site & Area Specific Training

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